Technology For Seniors

Judy Loubier, owner of Seniors Helping Seniors NH, Judy came in to share how technology can be utilized by seniors.  She illustrated this with a personal story about going to her daughter’s wedding in San Diego, using technology for seniors to stay connected.  Then she talked about a number of other technology tips for seniors.  Tune in to hear more about this topic!

 Technology for Seniors

Caring for Seniors

When:  Wednesday mornings at 7:40 Anchor:  Judy Loubier Sponsor:  Seniors Helping Seniors Southern NH & ME.  Browse the Caring for Seniors show archives. Caring for Seniors covers senior care topics such as Alzheimer’s care, respite care, how to choose senior services, tips on fall prevention, Medicare, Medicaid, estate planning, ins and outs of advance directives, senior fitness tips, stroke prevention, dementia care and recognizing signs of stroke.