It’s been a while since Judy did a video tip. But as you can see, she is surrounded by boxes. She’s moving and thought it might good to use this opportunity to talk about caring for seniors during moving day.
Caring for Seniors. Moving Day.
Posted by Seniors Helping Seniors Southern NH & ME on Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Caring for Seniors During Moving Day
Moving is always an emotional experience, you can be stressed out by the amount of work you have to do, or maybe it’s the thought of going through everything from years of living. Judy admits to getting emotional while going through her children’s and her parent’s things. Now, imagine if you were being moved out of a house you lived in for 50 years. That’s a lot to deal with right?
Well, there are words to describe the physical and emotional toll that moving can cause, Relocation Stress Syndrome or Transfer Trauma.
The stress can cause change in blood pressure, change in appetite, depression, and anger. Sometimes when moving an elderly person, they don’t play a huge role, everyone else is making their decisions for them. This can make them feel even less independent than before. They lose their identity, especially when they move into a new community, no one knows who they are. To retell their story can be exhausting.
You can help ease this stress by talking to them, letting them in on the decisions. Make sure to bring things that will make them feel at home in their new home. Consider how often you or anyone can visit them. Could someone come in your stead to help ease the transition? Last but not least, try to support and be patient with them. It’s a hard time for you both.
You might be wondering about the teacup on Judy’s right, well that’s for Reagan. Judy plans on saving it for her.