As we get older, we tend to let our worlds grow smaller. If retired, it can be hard to fill the time that you have, or maybe your friends are far away and you aren’t sure how to make new ones. Life can become boring before we know it. Sadly, no one will swoop in and make your life interesting, you will have to do that yourself. Here are 6 ways to spice up your 60s and beyond.

6 Ways to Spice Up your 60s and Beyond

6 Ways to Spice Up Your 60s and Beyond


1. Learn something new.

Learning something new will engage different parts of your brain and keep you sharp. Whether it’s music, art, or a new skill, it can fill your time and make you smarter.

2. Travel alone.

It doesn’t have to be far, it could be the next state over. You can make all the arrangements ahead of time to make you feel more secure. Traveling alone allows you to explore something that is of interest to you and not to those around you. Plus, you may make friends with your fellow solo travelers.

3. Do something that scares you.

Fear is a spectrum, what might be scary to one is not to the other, but you should do something that challenges you, even if scares you. This could be anything from joining that church choir you have been eyeing to sky diving.

This will make you realize that you are a lot stronger than you think.

4. Allow this part of your life to be a brand new chapter.

It’s easy to stay in our ruts, to use the same story to excuse our behaviors. Instead, try leaving those stories and the feelings associated with it behind and start brand new. You will be surprised at how free you feel.

5. Do what you want to do.

If you don’t like going to the movies because you find it overwhelming, tell that to those around you. Instead you can have an at home movie night, have fun, and feel confident because you spoke up for yourself. You can do this with anything, and your life will be richer for it.

6. Have deep conversations.

It can be uncomfortable but having these talks can allow yourself to express your feelings more. This will probably make you feel more at peace because you aren’t holding all your emotions in, both positive and negative.

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