Exercising on a good day is hard. Exercising as you get older and your body fights you is even harder. Staying in motion is key to a senior’s life. It helps them from losing muscles and staying strong.

7 Tips to Keep Exercising as You Age

7 Tips to Keep Exercising as You Age


Whether it’s your beloved senior or yourself, these 7 tips may help you exercise as you age.

1. Put It On Your Calendar

It’s easy to tell yourself that you don’t have time to exercise. But, if you schedule it like you would with any other appointment, then it will be easier to have the time.

It will also help you make it a habit instead of a chore.

2. Have a Workout Buddy

Doing something new is hard when you are alone. See if any of your friends are also increasing the amount of exercise they do. Then you can become support for each other as you start and go through some rough patches.

It could even make it fun.

3. Push Yourself

This may confuse you, but pushing yourself can keep you exercising. Doing more challenging exercises will give you more pleasure post workout.

You will feel more accomplished, which will make you want to do it more.

4. Be Creative

If you hate going to the gym, then find other ways to exercise. See if there are community classes or any outdoor classes. You can even just take a walk everyday.

Don’t limit yourself.

5. Be Careful

You won’t be exercising if you hurt yourself. You need to find a nice balance between challenging yourself and endangering yourself. Be aware of how much your body can take.

Also, consider how flexible your body can be. Maybe include yoga in your routine. It can lessen the chance that you will hurt yourself.

6. Create Your Own Motivation

You need motivation to do anything, exercising is no different. Some people have the motivation because they want to lose weight or gain muscles. They are more likely to continue exercising than people who have no motivation.

So, create a goal for yourself and it will help you keep going.

7. It’s Your Future

Remember, even though it’s annoying now, it will help you in the future. It will help you when you are older and keep you healthy when you can’t physically exercise.

Read more here.