Sadly for seniors, many people underestimate them. Whether it’s their cognitive or physical ability, everyone always assumes that they cannot do anything for themselves. This is called ageism, when people assume the stereotypes of older people are the norm. Not only can it be frustrating, but ageism in healthcare can be dangerous.

Ageism in Healthcare

Ageism in Healthcare


This is especially true when a senior is in the hospital. Due to how busy and strained staff can be, they may often jump to the easiest conclusion, and because they have no prior history with the patient, they don’t know what is normal for them.

So lets say someone went in due to a side effect of medication, which we become more susceptible to as we get older, and they become a bit delirious. Doctors may write them off as having Alzheimer’s before actually looking for a cause. This could happen if a patient is dehydrated or even if they have a UTI which becomes more common for seniors as they age.

Many seniors are really vulnerable when they end up in the hospital and would need the help of family and friends to speak for them. Though this can take time and time is precious in a busy hospital.

Read more here.