It’s a funny idea, right? That exposing yourself to stress can help you deal with stress? But, think of it this way, it’s like getting a flu shot. Exposing yourself to the flu, helps make sure you don’t get it or can fight it easier. The same idea applies to stress, here are some ways that you can bulk up against stress.

Exposing Yourself to Stress Can Help You Deal With Stress

Exposing Yourself to Stress


One way to healthily expose yourself to stress is through knowledge. If you are experiencing a divorce, a death in the family, or any other significant stressful event, talk to someone who has been through that event. See what you can learn from them. They may offer advice or maybe just let you know what’s to come. This way you have an idea of what may happen.

Rehearsing is another great way to handle stress. If you know that you have to give a presentation or maybe meet with someone that stresses you out, you can practice. Read your presentation over and over again, read it in front of people you trust see what worked and what didn’t. Practice with a friend and have them be the person you have to meet.

Create a bunch of different scenarios, so you can be ready. Then when that stressful event happens, you know you are ready and can handle it. Plus, exposing yourself to many stressful situations can actually change your body’s biological response to stress, allowing you to handle it better.

Read more here.