seniors helping seniors news


We are Seniors and We are Strong

The Boomer Generation is unlike any generation before it. We are blessed with both the opportunity and the challenges of living longer and with greater choices. Thomas Hobbs in the 1600s was famous for his quote “Life is brutish and short.” And so it was in that day. In 1600, the average life could expect to live 30-35 years.  Compare that to today where two thirds (2/3) of all the people that ever lived past the age of 65 in the entire history of the world are present today! By 2020, we will have reached 1 Billion over the age of 60.
What we saw coming, but never though it would come so fast (at least for me) is that the last of the “Baby Boomers” are now entering 50 years of age. Currently, 10,000 people are turning 65 every day. And, for the first time, those who are 65 years old outnumber children 15 years old and younger!

“Being older is the new normal.” Today, we are everywhere and engaged in every aspect of life.  We participate in the community with service, art, science and commerce. Currently, older adults have increasing political clout, financially grown in strength, and have amazing wisdom and experience.

This isn’t to say that we don’t face challenges such as matching our health span and financial stability with our lifespan, or facing ageism in our culture. The saying “old age isn’t for sissies” is true today as it was yesterday. But we’ve learned that planning today for our tomorrows and developing a life affirming purpose such as being a mentor for the next generation, providing community service or caring for those who could use a helping hand such as a fellow senior goes a long way to achieving a balanced, healthy, lifestyle.

After all is said and done, what matters most about aging beautifully is the people you love, the people who love you, and not the job, not the cars, not the ‘stuff.’