There are many ways to deal with stress, exercise, deep breathing, and mediation; but if none of these work for you, do you have other options? The answer is yes, you can write the stress away. Many studies have shown that writing can help reduce stress.

Write the Stress Away

Write the Stress Away


Researchers find writing as a great method because you can write your story down in your perspective without getting interrupted. This means you can get out all your thoughts and cleanse the brain in a sense.

You can even edit what you’ve written and this may change your perspective of what happened. Maybe you’ll see something you didn’t before. Also by having something to look at, you can identify stressors and see how you can either avoid them or find a coping mechanism.

Writing can also force you to change your life. Write down your goals everyday, and then write why you didn’t achieved them. Maybe there was no time, not enough money, or your body hurt too much. The next day you can look at what you wrote and ask, what is really standing in the way of my goals? Maybe you don’t make the time like you should, maybe you aren’t treating your body well, maybe you spend money on worthless things. Seeing everything laid out can be easier to comprehend.

You can read more here.