Senior Care Amherst, NH

Senior Care Services in Amherst, NH: |
The town of Amherst is located in the southern tier of New Hampshire. It has an approximate population of 12,000 residents. Amherst is a growing suburban community that has maintained many desirable rural characteristics. Amherst has a long and rich colonial history. Many historic buildings are still well preserved in the center of town and is known for it’s history and beauty. |
Seniors Helping Seniors is a private duty, licensed senior home care company. With over 70 senior caregivers, we are proud to be a leading provider of non-medical senior care home care services in southern New Hampshire. Our senior care specialists provide in-home care, elder care, respite care, senior personal care including showering and bathing, elderly care and companion care services. With our senior home care services, elderly adults can continue to live independently–where seniors want to live–in their own home.
Seniors Helping Seniors in-home senior care is an exceptional program of caring and care. It is refreshingly unique, matching seniors who want to help with seniors who are looking for help. The strength and compassion that is born out of these relationships shows us that it doesn’t matter who is the helper and who is being helped. The respect, understanding and assistance in these relationships are two-way. Because, quite simply, those who give and those who receive learn from each other. And each grows just a little more every day.
Our senior care givers go through a 6-8 week process of vetting and training. We look for just the right heart in every potential care giver–if they don’t meet our heart standards, we don’t hire them. Once we find the right heart, we get to know their personality, interests and skills and “type” them in our database. All this, before we even start the lengthy training process!
When we are privileged to be invited to your home to visit with you, we get to know you personally, too. We want to find just the right fit for your personality and your needs. If we don’t have someone that matches your personality and needs, we won’t take the assignment. We would rather turn down the business than have you less than thrilled with our company.
“Extraordinary senior care comes from the love and devotion
of another senior. Only a senior knows a senior.”
Judy Loubier
Executive Director, Seniors Helping Seniors®
The Village Green is a focal point of the community that hosts events such as a large fourth of July celebration, a Christmas tree lighting, band concerts and a farmer’s market. Amherst has a Recreational Department that offers a full range of informational services of all leisure activities and organizations. Amherst has a town library that offers traditional library services and many programs to it’s residents. |
For additional information regarding senior services in or near Amherst, NH try our Resource Guide