
7 Different Kinds of Loneliness

Different Ways to Stimulate a Senior's Appetite

Loneliness seems to be one of the modern world’s biggest problems, and we don’t talk about it. People young and old are growing more and more lonely, despiteĀ all the technology that can connect us. To be happy, you need to have strong, healthy, loving relationships. Did you know there are 7 different kinds of loneliness?

7 Different Kinds of Loneliness

7 Different Kinds of Loneliness


Do any of these types of loneliness sound familiar to you?

1. New Situation Loneliness

This is when you are in a new environment and don’t know anyone. For example, if you moved to a new community and have left your home behind. Plus, you have to start over when it comes to making friends.

2. I’m Different Loneliness

You may be in an environment that you know well, but still feel uncomfortable. You feel different because you share different values, hobbies, likes or dislikes, or more. It can make it hard to connect with people about the things you find important.

3. No Romantic Partner Loneliness

You can have a lot of friends and family, but still be lonely due to not having a romantic partner. You could also have a partner and not feel a deep connection to them.

Having a partner gives you a different kind of connection than from other platonic loved ones.

4. No Pet Loneliness

Pets are an amazing source of unconditional love. If you are used to having a pet and don’t have one at the moment, it can leave a big hole in your heart. This type of relationship can give you love that human ones can’t

5. No Time For Me Loneliness

This is when your friends are too busy to make time to hang out with you. It can happen pretty easily as you get older. It can be hard not to be upset by their lack of companionship, while still understanding that they are busy.

6. Untrustworthy Friends Loneliness

Sometimes there are situations where you start to wonder if your friends have your best intentions at heart. The ability to confide and trust is essential to friendship. Not having this is an easy way to feel lonely.

7. Lack of Quiet Presence Loneliness

There is something about sharing a space with someone without saying a word. You can have an active social life, but relaxing with someone is something special. Not having this can make a home feel lonely.

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