
Owning a Dog Can Cut Health Risks

Owning a Dog Can Cut Health Risks

As if you needed another reason to want a fluffy companion, studies show that owning a dog can cut health risks. A dog can reduce the risk of heart disease and other fatal diseases. So not only do dogs capture our hearts, but they save them as well.

Owning a Dog Can Cut Health Risks

Owning a Dog Can Cut Health Risks


The study was done in Sweden, where the participants’ medical and pet ownership records were recorded. Of the 3.4 million people in the study, the average age was between 40 and 80. The study was over twelve years, where they were occasionally followed up on.

Only about 13 percent of the participants owned dogs. It’s shown that those who lived alone and had a dog decreased their chance of cardiovascular death by 36 percent.

When there were multiple people in the home, that percentage went down to 15 percent. It appears that people who live alone see more benefits because a dog can keep the loneliness away, which can be detrimental to many people.

While the study shows that dogs can help cut risks, the study can not explain how. Part of it is guessed to be because of the companionship. Having unconditional love, especially when you live alone, can be a significant boost.

Also, having a dog can keep you more physically healthy by taking your fluffy friend for a walk, playing with them, or running around with them in a dog park. It keeps a person from slowing down and becoming stagnant.

You can read more here.