
6 Lessons We Can Learn From Mister Rogers

6 Lessons We Can Learn From Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers is an icon, no question about it. You can’t say “Hi neighbor!” without thinking about him. By the time Fred Rogers died in 2003, he created almost 900 episodes of Mister Roger’s Neighborhood. There are 6 lessons we can learn from Mister Rogers, no matter how old we are.

6 Lessons We Can Learn From Mister Rogers

6 Lessons We Can Learn From Mister Rogers


Even though the show was for kids, there is a lot that we can learn as adults. Maybe it will even remind us of certain things we’ve forgotten.

1. Routine and Responsibility are the Bedrock of Your Day

Every day, Mister Rogers came home on his show and did the same things. He sang a peppy song, put on his cardigan, and changed out of his dress shoes. Then he fed his fish and talked to us. He always spoke warmly and smiled at us.

Routines are comforting to children, but it can also help adults. Something we do every day and that we care about it can get us through tough times. A sense of responsibility for ourselves and others can do the same.

Feed your pets, call or text lonely friends, offer a ride to a neighbor, hug someone. Show off your inner Mister Rogers.

2. It Feels Good to Make Something, Even if You Aren’t Very Good at it.

Like another icon popular for his warmth, Bob Ross, Mister Rogers believes in making something even if you make mistakes. It’s not about the end result, it’s about how it feels good to do something.

So try something you’ve always wanted, even if you know you might not be good at it.

3. Put On Your Sneakers

There is nothing like changing into comfortable clothes after a long day. Even if you can wear casual clothes at work, it can still be helpful to change.

It gives more of a seperation between work and home.

4. The Land of Make Believe is Still Here

We know that practicing mindfulness and mediation is good for you, but where do you go when you mediate?

Have you used your imagination recently? Have you tried to make your world a little more magical?

Whenever you need to take a break from the world, go into your own land of make believe.

5. Look for the Helpers

The Fred Rogers Company has published a nice body of parenting resources, including an interview with Rogers talking about how to help children get through tragic events.

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers—so many caring people in this world.”—Fred Rogers

It’s a nice thought to keep in mind when times are tough for you. Remember there are people around you who want to help you. Also, make sure you become the helper for someone else.

6. Be a Good Neighbor

Through all the characters on Mister Roger’s Neighborhood, we were taught lessons about how to treat each other through times of misunderstanding and hurt feelings.

Right now, we live in a time where there are a lot of hurt feelings. It’s a good reminder that we never know what is going on in someone else’s life. It’s always good to have empathy.

Read more here.