
7 Signs of a Possible Heart Attack in Seniors

7 Signs of a Possible Heart Attack in Seniors

Signs of a heart attack can vary from person to person, no two are alike. Some people may not experience the symptoms all at once. Some people may have different symptoms if they have had a heart attack before. With a population as vulnerable as the elderly it’s up to those around them to keep an eye out for any of signs.

7 Signs of a Possible Heart Attack in Seniors

7 Signs of a Possible Heart Attack


1. Chest Pain

This may seem obvious, but it’s still worth pointing out. Chest pain may be the most well known symptom of a heart attack and should be taken very seriously

2. Heavy Pressure or Fullness in the Chest

This could also feel like a squeezing in their chest. If there is pain radiating to their neck, jaw, and arm, it’s especially serious.

3. Consistent Indigestion or Heartburn

While these two uncomfortable feelings are common, if they become too consistent or extremely painful, you should get your loved one checked out.

4. Shortness of Breath

Whenever someone is having a hard time breathing, it’s worrisome. If this is an unusual symptom for your loved one, best to try to get them to a doctor asap.

5. Nausea

While this symptom will not always connect to a heart attack, it’s good to be aware that it could be a sign.

6. Vomiting

Same with nausea, not always a heart attack but it’s good to be aware.

7. Sudden Sweating or Dizziness

Dizziness sometimes comes with getting older, but if your loved one is very dizzy and sweating a lot, then it could be a possible sign of a heart attack and they should get checked out.

Better Safe Than Sorry


While these signs are not always an indicator of a heart attack, it’s best to let a doctor decide. It’s better to be safe and know that it’s nothing than be caught in an emergency situation.

Read more here.