
8 Foods Not to Eat If You’re Trying to Sleep

8 Foods Not to Eat If You're Trying to Sleep

The United States has a sleeping problem. A lack of sleeping problem. You know what it’s like to be so tired that you know your brain isn’t working right. You get so desperate to get good sleep. You’ll do anything. Have you thought about the food you eat at night? There are eight specific foods not to eat around bedtime.

8 Foods Not to Eat If You're Trying to Sleep

8 Foods Not to Eat If You’re Trying to Sleep


This list of food are ones you should avoid at least 3 hours before you go to sleep.

1. Dark Chocolate

While dark chocolate is great for a sugar craving, it’s not good for your sleep. Certain dark chocolates can have up to 25 to 38% of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee.

All chocolate, even milk chocolate, has caffeine. Though the darker the chocolate, the more caffeine it has.

2. Steak

You already know you have to be careful with how much meat you eat. But, did you know fatty foods that are full of protein digest slowly? This messes with your Circadian rhythm if you eat it too close to bedtime.

Also, high fat, high protein diets have been linked to sleep apnea. This is a disorder that messes with your breathing and causes sleep problems.

3. Alcohol

Even though you would think alcohol will help you relax at night, it may not be true. Studies have shown that while it will help you fall asleep faster, it messes with your sleep cycle.

This is because it reduces the amount of the slow-wave sleep and REM sleep you have. These are responsible for repairing and restoring the mind and body.

4. Spicy Food

Lying down after eating a heavy, full of spice meal can give you heartburn. Studies have found that eating spicy food before bed will reduce the overall amount of sleep, but also raise a person’s body temperature. High temperature is linked with inadequate rest.

5. Decaf Coffee

Decaf coffee isn’t as innocent as it looks. It contains enough caffeine to create a bad night of sleep. Especially if you are caffeine sensitive.

6. Broccoli or Cauliflower

Yes, eating your veggies is good and healthy, just don’t do it before bed. These veggies contain tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin and regulates sleep.

But if you eat them before bed, it can keep your body working throughout the night because they are high in fiber. Your stomach will spend all night digesting them.

7. French Fries

Even though they are delicious, high-fat foods can prevent sleep. They put your digestive system into overdrive and will give you bad heartburn.

8. Chili

Like mentioned before, spicy food is not suitable for sleep. Because it has hot sauce in it, it will give you heartburn and an upset stomach.

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